21 employee satisfaction stats [free download] - Oak Engage

21 employee satisfaction stats - Are your workers happy? - Free download

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21 employee satisfaction stats - Are your workers happy? - Free download
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    Employee disengagement, the quality of their output among other things is generally linked to how happy they are at work. So, satisfied employees are generally easier to manage and get better results, right? Well, imagine having a full workforce of them. 

    Satisfaction and happiness are linked to so many aspects of work and is usually the product of all of them. It links to engagement, wellbeing, benefits and pretty much everything else!

    In this blog, we will look at some stats on employee satisfaction in the world of work. 

    They may help you pinpoint why employees are satisfied or unsatisfied and make some changes. 

    Employee satisfaction stats

    1. Not feeling valued is the top reason for unhappiness

    Development Academy found that 69% of unhappy employees cite not feeling valued by their employer as the main reason. 

    It is so easy with modern workplace technology to show appreciation to your employees. Send a simple message of thanks or better yet post to your company social feed to show the entire business that you value good work. Clearly, it’s very important to employees so it should be something you take on board ASAP if you haven’t already.

    (Source: Development Academy)

    2. 64% would rather have a low-paid job they enjoyed than a well-paid job they hated.

    Now this one is surprising…

    YouGov found that 64% of British people would rather have a low-paid job they enjoyed than a well-paid job they hated. Even money doesn’t matter as much when it comes to happiness (money can’t buy happiness as they say).  If this doesn’t show the importance of ensuring employees are happy in their roles then nothing will. 

    (Source: YouGov)

    3. 69% of people will reject a job if they find out employees are unhappy there 

    69% of people say they will reject a job if they find out that businesses have unhappy employees. Employee review platforms like Glassdoor and the reach of social media make it even harder to escape. 

    Not only are wellbeing and engagement programmes essential to employee retention, but also to recruitment. Make the business an attractive prospect by investing in employee wellbeing. 

    (Source: HRDive)

    4. Having close friendships at work can double job satisfaction

    Who doesn’t like having friends and a good time at work?

     It is reported that it can boost job satisfaction by 50%. It’s no surprise that socialising makes work that little bit more enjoyable. Giving employees space to do this is essential. That may mean replicating social environments virtually if there is a level of remote working.

    (Source: Gallup) 

    5. 39.7% of leaders said that employee disengagement had been an issue in remote working 

    Oak’s Future of Working report found that 39.7% of leaders said that employee disengagement had been an issue during remote working periods. 

    There could be a direct correlation between remote working and disinterest. You need to ensure that employees are still engaged whilst working remotely. 

    (Source: Oak Engage’s Future of Working report)

    6. Employees who feel their manager treats them with respect are 63% more satisfied with their jobs

    A bit of respect goes a long way. Those who feel managers and leaders show them respect are 63% more satisfied in their roles

    Not only will they be more receptive to what they're saying, employees will also want to do well for them. Treating people like human beings doesn’t take a lot but it goes a long way. A culture of leadership visibility and openness is key to creating mutual respect. 

    (Source: Harvard Business Review)

    7. Employees who are happy at work take 10 times fewer sick days than unhappy workers

    Absenteeism can be a real issue if employees are dissatisfied. Happier workers take 10 times less than unhappier colleagues! 

    You lose out on so much output and subject expertise through absences when you have a workforce that doesn't have the best job satisfaction. 

    Sick days happen, but it is in your control to make unscheduled absences less common by creating a better atmosphere. 

    (Source: iOpener Institute)

    8. Burned out employees are 63% more likely to take a sick day.

    There is also a direct link between burnout and absenteeism. 63% of employees are more likely to take a sick day. 

    Given that sick days are more common in unhappy workers, the correlation between burnout and unhappiness is pretty obvious. Make sure employees have sufficient rest and a good work life balance. 

    (Source: Gallup) 

    9. Only 63% of UK workers are satisfied in their job

    Nearly two-thirds of UK workers are satisfied with the job, but that means over a third aren’t. That is a significant number of people, considering there are 32.5 million people in employment in the UK! 

    This highlights how much of a problem job satisfaction is (or a lack of). Employee retention and engagement are very precarious when the number of dissatisfied workers is so high. 

    (Source: Amanet)

    10. Happy salespeople make 37% more sales 

    Keeping your sales staff happy is the key to more sales. What a surprise! 

    Happy workers make an average of 37% more sales! Salespeople who are generally happier will project this onto customers, making them more likeable and providing a better customer experience. 

    Investing time and resources into employee engagement programmes will give you a significant ROI. 

    (Source: Harvard Business Review) 

    11. Between 2016 and 2019 job satisfaction fell by 10% in the UK

    The same Amanet study found that job satisfaction had fallen by 10% in the space of three years between 2016 and 2019. 

    What happened in those three years to cause such a decrease? It is quite alarming that businesses were heading down that trajectory before the start of the pandemic.  

    (Source: Amanet).   

    12. Only 20% of workers want their company to adopt a fixed working week (around 35 hours over 5 days)

    A good indication of how happy an employee is how happy they are with their working patterns or schedule. 

    This is key to their work life balance. Oak’s Future of Working report found that just 20% wanted a standard working week, with the other 80% opting for more flexible options or shorter hours. 

    If you have a high turnover rate,  you’ll have to reevaluate how much flexibility and balance you give your employees.

    (Source: Oak Engage’s Future of Working report)

    13 & 14. 57% of people have left because of their boss & 32% have seriously considered doing the same

    DDI’s Frontline Leader Project found 57% of people have left a job because of a manager, with another 32% seriously considering doing the same. 

    Management has a huge impact on how someone feels about a job with it being a contributor to employee turnover. It’s a manager’s responsibility to build and maintain positive working relationships.  

    (Source: DDI)

    15. Companies with happy employees outperform their competition by 20%

    Happy employees make your business better. The proof is in the pudding. 

    Harvard Business Review reported that companies with happy employees outperform their competition by 20%. 

    Investment into employee engagement and wellbeing programmes are unlikely to exceed 20% of your revenue, or 20% of your manpower. So your ROI will be pretty significant and a no brainer!

    (Source: Harvard Business Review) 

    16. 40% of employees would work harder if they were happier at work

    Creating a culture and environment where your employees are happy, pays dividends. 40% said they would work harder if they were happier at work. 

    A happier workforce = a more driven workforce. Expect to see significant output if you have employees who are happy to be where they are. 

    (Source: Human Capital Institute) 

    17. If offered a similar job with a better culture, 60% would take it

    It is quite alarming that almost 60% of Gen Z and Millennials would consider quitting if an alternative employer provided a better workplace culture. This suggests the level of job satisfaction isn’t great. It also suggests that employee satisfaction goes far beyond just salary or benefits. 

    This is why it's important to integrate appreciation, positivity and teamwork into the culture of the business to create a general good feeling. 

    (Source: Oak Engage) 

    18. 81% of unhappy workers fake being happy 

    Even if you think you have happy workers it is still always worth checking in on a regular basis. You may have some imposters in your midst.. 

    81% of unhappy workers actually fake happiness, so it's not always easy to spot (unless they’re really bad actors). By checking in with regular one-to-ones you can delve a little bit deeper and find out how they really feel about their job.  

    (Source: Ladders) 

    19. 43% of employees feel unsatisfied with their career path

    When it comes to job satisfaction, having a clear roadmap for progression is vital. If you feel like you have hit the glass ceiling and that your role has become monotonous, any enthusiasm you have will soon drain. 

    Give employees a route to progression and the means to get there. Regular one-to-one meetings where this is discussed can keep you on top of this. 

    (Source: Addison Group) 

    20. 24% of remote workers suffer from loneliness when working from home 

    Just because remote working is relatively popular does not mean that it is the key to happiness. 24% of remote workers suffer from loneliness, which is a big contributor to unhappiness. 

    Communicating regularly and creating social spaces in a virtual setting can help to combat this. Remote working does not have to coincide with a lack of interaction with colleagues.

    (Source: Oak Engage’s Future of Working report)

    21. Workers who aren’t engaged in their work make 60% more errors

    We’ve all been there. When workers are bored and not engaged by their work they will naturally make more mistakes. Depending on the industry or role, this will be more or less critical. 

    Mistakes will happen whether an employee enjoys their role or not, but having a satisfied workforce will certainly limit the threat of this happening..by about 60% according to Gallup. 

    (Source: Gallup)

    Job satisfaction is why we get up on a weekday morning. We spend so much time working that feelings towards our job, company, colleagues and bosses will dramatically affect how we feel about life in general. 

    It is what employees strive for and for many is the ultimate goal in their working lives. As a result businesses who can help you achieve this generally do better. 

    The links to productivity, absenteeism and revenue shown in this blog prove just that.

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