Getting Chatty Patty with Five Guys - Comms in a Nutshell - Oak Engage

Getting Chatty Patty with Five Guys

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Getting Chatty Patty with Five Guys
Table of Contents

    Want to know the secrets to engaging internal communications, connecting your workforce and getting 99% of your workforce using your internal communications app?

    Vic & Scott are chatting all things intranets with our customer Five Guys to get the scoop on the success of their employee engagement app. Vic & Scott sat down with Five Guys’ Communications Manager, Bastian Bauermeister to discuss: 

    • Why Five Guys chose Oak to be their intranet partner
    • The importance of internal communications as a global business 
    • The secrets to keeping your intranet content consistent and engaging and keep adoption rates high
    • Why employee engagement is essential to your business and how they pioneer employee engagement as a brand

    From games and competitions to communications secrets and methods that you might not have heard of, this interview should spark inspiration and show you just how important it is to have an internal communications strategy.

    Want more? View the full episode here


    Vic is one of Oaks Content Marketing Specialists. She specialises in communication and marketing and is also a host on the Comms In A Nutshell podcast for Internal Comms & HR professionals. 

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