
Oak Engage blog

5 Simple Hacks to Boost Employee Satisfaction TODAY

04 March 2022

Your employees are the beating heart of your business and you need to make sure you're making their experience as an employee the best that it can be. Start improving employee satisfaction today with these 5 simple hacks...

Celebrating International Women’s Day at Oak Engage

04 March 2022

Women may be still a minority when it comes to developing and leading in the world of technology - but as women rise in power so does their visibility. Rachel Davison, Head of New Business & Marketing at Oak Engage looks back on her career in the tech industry.

Your HR Employee Onboarding Guide (Free Checklist)

22 February 2022

Employee onboarding can be challenging for any industry and it can be easy to forget a few important steps in the process. This guide will cover the 4 phases of employee onboarding and provide you with an essential checklist for HR.

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