
Oak Engage blog

Maximising Customer Service Motivation

06 October 2020

A customer service team is paramount to every business, without one your business would fall apart. In honour of National Customer Service Week we wanted to give some tips of how to maximise customer service motivation.

How to Communicate Change With Your Employees

21 September 2020

Change in the workplace can be unsettling for many. With so much uncertainty surrounding the workplace in today's climate it's important to ensure you communicate change to your people in the correct way.

The Best Employee Engagement Software & Tools

20 August 2020

Not sure what the best employee engagement software is for your company? We've compiled a list of alternatives your staff will love. Read our blog to discover a better intranet solution with Oak Engage.

How to Onboard Employees Remotely

21 July 2020

With UK recruitment on the rise and many businesses still working from home, it means that many companies will have to train their new employees virtually.

The Complete Guide to Business Communication

30 June 2020

Has your business faced communication challenges in recent times? Read our comprehensive guide to Business Communication that will equip you with the tools for an effective communication strategy

Deskless Workers & the Deskless Disconnect

30 June 2020

Wondering how to engage deskless workers? Join us as we journey through the advancement of the mobile phone and how it is contributing to the improvement of the modern digital workplace.

Effective Employee Feedback Techniques

18 June 2020

Employee feedback is a powerful tool for improving the employee experience and the operations of the business. Here is how to get the most out of it.

The Role of Business Connectivity

05 June 2020

Business Connectivity - it boosts both engagement and wellbeing. Find out what it means to improve business connectivity and how it can benefit your people today.

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